Date: 15 - 19 June ,2022
Venue: Hong Kong Cental Library Exhibition Gllery 2
Address: 66 Causeway Rd, Causeway Bay, H.K. (香港中央圖書館2號展廳)
Venue: Hong Kong Cental Library Exhibition Gllery 2
Address: 66 Causeway Rd, Causeway Bay, H.K. (香港中央圖書館2號展廳)
AI Gallery started “Call for artists in Hong Kong" campaign on Facebook and Instagram on 17th of May. We hope that through the theme of "Light of Love", artists have the opportunity to reflect on and recall the gentle but tenacious "light" in their own lives, and express them in the form of art, as well as to deliver its gentle power through the exhibition. The concept of “Love” can be extended very broadly. It can be the love between people. It can also be the warm interaction between people and animals, people and nature, or even a deep metaphysical connection between people and self or spiritual power. It requires all artists to focus on the warmth and strength of love. Creating a healing power that not only visually impacts the viewer, but warms and heals their heart inside. We have received over 100 artworks from 57 Eastern and Western artists currently living in Hong Kong from very different backgrounds. From them and gallery's existing artist network 64 artworks from 53 artists with different backgrounds will be displayed in the Exhibition Gallery 2 .
我們希望藉這樣一個充滿溫 暖的主題,令藝術家有機會反思追憶自己生命中那些溫柔而堅韌的力量,用藝術的形式表達出來,並藉展 覽形成一種正向的傳播。。作品主題,風格,材質等非 常多元。我們想藉此強調,“愛之光”可以遍照四方各處,即使是我們並不熟悉同理解的地方。所以請試著抱 住好奇於謙遜的態度去欣賞每一幅作品——“我們知道我們不知道”。而這也是生命藝術的美麗之處了。香港的 57 位藝術家的超過 100 幅作品。由這些作品及畫廊本身擁有的藝術家資源中,最終我們選出了 51 位來自不同背景的東西方藝 術家的 64 幅作品於香港中央圖書館佔地面積 220 平方米的 2 號展廳進行展出。
Location: Exhibition Gallery 2, Hong Kong Central Library 香港中央圖書館2號展廳
Time: 15/06/2022, Wednesday, 2pm-8pm;
16-18/06/2022, Thursday to Saturday, 9am-8pm;
19/06/2022, Sunday, 9am-6pm.
AI Gallery
TVB: 新聞透視