Artist Bio 藝術家簡介:
Kacey Ko, finalist and one of the select few Chinese representatives at Salon Des Beaux Arts 2022 in Paris, explores the links between art and psychology. Ko’s works have been featured internationally at major art shows in Paris, New York and Rome, including Art Shopping 2023 at Carrousel du Louvre, Art Capital 2023 at Grand Palais Éphémère, Artexpo New York 2023 at Manhattan, and a 2023 exhibition at the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Rome. Most recently, Ko’s unique and captivating work was admitted to exhibit at Spectrum Miami 2023 in the US. Back in Hong Kong, Ko held her solo exhibition at JCCAC titled Oasis in 2021, which was then featured on media outlets including Art and Piece, HK Artion & Life Style Journal by HKEJ.
Defining her work as an introspection between human psychology and the artistic world: “I am particularly interested in how art can serve as a means to reconnect with our deepest self. My cultural and philosophical background plays a significant role in my work. I take inspiration from the Yi Jing Book of Changes and blend it with Western oil painting techniques to create landscapes that are both visually fascinating and deeply meaningful.”
Ko’s works represent the heavens and the earth in a peculiar way, with the evident intention of arousing equally unique emotions. “I love painting skies with a sense of dreamy tranquility. I use a variety of colors and textures to invite the audience to discover a feeling of calm and relief across the vastness of the earth. My goal is to encourage viewers to experience moments of introspection and reconnect with the dynamic, complete and compassionate state of the mind."

高嘉莉是一位生於香港的藝術家,並致力探究人類心理與藝術之間的關係。在其心理學背景的基礎上,高氏積極研究藝術如何以最純粹的方式為媒介,讓大家連繫內心最真實的自我。高氏亦愛研讀易經,因此其創作理念同時包含著對易學的獨特見解以及對西方油畫藝術的想法,並通過作品重新詮釋並柔合東西方的文化概念。2022年她的作品被提名代表中國入圍2022年法國秋季美術沙龍展及2023法國巴黎大皇宮Art Capital國際藝術博覽會,並將於今年春季參展美國紐約曼克頓及法國巴黎羅浮宮卡魯塞爾廳之博覽展。
高氏喜歡用夢幻和寧靜的感覺描繪天空,同時邀請觀眾在浩瀚的大地中發現平靜,在豐富的色彩中找到解脫。 通過在她的作品中獨特的顏色、紋理和形狀的創造性相互作用, 重現了自然自由奔放的本質,並鼓勵觀眾體驗內省的時刻,並重新與我們內心的活力、完整和同情的狀態聯繫起來。

Awakening Voices - Prize of excellence 2022
All Landscape 2022 competition - "Best in Show" 2022

Key Exhibitions:
Year 2024
“International Women’s Day Art Exhibition”, A Gallery, Singapore. 13 Mar 2024 – 10 May 2024 

Year 2023
“Affordable Art Fair 2023, 10th Anniversary Edition”, B & K Gallery Asia Limited, HK Convention Exhibition Centre, HKSAR, 18 May-21May 2023

Year 2022
“Classics Reinvented”, White Box Friends, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre L1, HK, 9Dec 2022 – 1Jan 2023   (“訪古講古-JCCAC藝術節”,  賽馬會創意藝術中心 L1, 香港)
“Affordable Art Fair 2022”, J&Z Gallery, HK Convention Exhibition Centre, HKSAR, 4 - 7 Aug 2022
“Symphoney 7”, White Box Friends Group, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre LO, HKSAR, 15-18 July 2022     (“合奏七’ , 白盒之友第七屆會員作品展, 賽馬會創意藝術中心 LO, 香港 )

Year 2021
“新舊「足」跡”, Hong Kong Creative Art Association, M7, Hong Kong, 20-21 Nov 2021
“Untitled”, PRÉCÉDÉE Art Space, HKSAR, 1 - 4 Nov 2021
“Eclectic” - Kacey Ko Solo Exhibition, PRÉCÉDÉE Art Space, HKSAR 26 - 30 May 2021 (Solo 個展)
"Mini Art Exhibition", Personal Studio, HKSAR, 1 Apr – 8 Apr, 2021 (Solo 個展)
“Art Is @Live”, 17Live, Charity Exhibition, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre (JCCAC), HKSAR, 12 - 14 Mar 2021

Year 2020
“HK Oil Painting Elite Exhibition”, HK Oil Painting Research Society, Hong Kong City Hall, HKSAR, 21 - 23 Feb 2020  (“香港油畫精英展” , 香港油畫研究會, 香港大會堂, 香港 )
“HK Artists Exhibition of Selected Works”, Hong Kong Youth Visal Art Sociaty & HK Creative Art Association ,  Yuen Long Town Hall, HKSAR  3-16 Dec 2020   (“香港藝術家精選怍品展”, 香港創意藝術會, 原匠坊展館)
“HK Oil Painting Competition 2020”, , HK Oil Painting Research Society , Hong Kong Central Library, HKSAR, 22-26 Dec 2020  (“香港油畫大展”, 香港油畫研究會, 香港中央圖書館, 香港

Find out more on HAPPENINGS!
Media Coverage 媒體報導:
Wen Wei Po 文匯報 - 高嘉莉 山水畫探尋圓融之心

Artistonish Magazine – Page 144 , Issue 108  I August / September 2022
Artistonish Magazine – issue #30


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