Oil on canvas | 120 x 90 cm | 2017
"Eclectic .Taiwan"
Imagine Vincent van Gogh were to have travelled to Taiwan, how would he have depicted Taiwan's culture and landscapes? Taipei is best known for its dazzling lights and sky-high Taipei 101. Cherry blossoms fill its springs and mountainous towns. The colours of maple leaves capture its Autumn breeze, leaving behind lingering tracks of red maple trees. The endless stretches of Alishan and its tea gardens accompanies an endless sea of clouds and sky lanterns, which live on to continue Taiwan’s rich cultural heritage.
想像梵高文森漫遊台灣,會如何將台灣的文化景觀活現於畫布上?五光十色的台北市中心與高聳入雲的101大樓、 漫天飛舞散落於山城小鎮的初春櫻花、秋風徐來轉出楓樹大道上不同層次的紅、綿延不絕的阿里山巒與茶園、無際的雲海伴隨冉冉上升的天燈,盛載著台灣的豐厚文化。