Date: January - April 2021
Venue: Casso V Studio
Address: Unit K13, 2/F, Kaiser Estate, Phase II, 47-53 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom
Remark: By Appointment Only 只供預約參觀
Venue: Casso V Studio
Address: Unit K13, 2/F, Kaiser Estate, Phase II, 47-53 Man Yue Street, Hung Hom
Remark: By Appointment Only 只供預約參觀
In the midst of a global pandemic, everyone is exhausted physically and mentally. We could neither go around as usual, nor interact with others; very often WFH..., or forced to stay at home even during the holidays. But it was during the 2020 pandemic, when I began devoting full time into a career in art. Initially, I was looking forward to the first ever exhibition, yet I was disappointed by numerous postponements and cancellations. I tried to remain optimistic, and awaited over and over till a year has gone by. What a difficult feeling this is. Apart from sitting and waiting for the pandemic to fade out, how can the audience be acquainted to my work? For this reason, I decided to hold a "mini art exhibition" at my private studio. Regardless of good times or bad times, I look forward to meeting you all in my studio.
2020年的全球疫症壓力下, 每個人都身心疲累。大家無法如常活動, 無法互動, 經常WFH..., 就連假日也只能留在家裏。 但我正正在2020年去投身發展藝術, 參與第一場畫家聯展, 期待人生的第一次展出, 就遇上疫症肆虐, 所有畫展被迫延期再延期甚至取消。我不氣餒, 不氣餒, 等...等......一年了。 這是一個多麼困難的感受。 除了坐著等待疫情過去, 何以能讓觀眾認識自己的創作? 最終決定以個人之畫室來舉辦一個 "預約式迷型畫展"。無論順境或疫境, 都期待各位來臨參觀。

Over 40+ appointments were received!